Welcome, Commander. Today I want to reveal another player favorite from Rogue Angels, and just like the other reveals I will go through my own thoughts and the lore behind the character. Today's character is Vera N'Kalou, the first human portrayed in Rogue Angels, who continues to prove her worth in the hands of many different play-testers. Illustrators: Original concept by Angelita Ramos. Character by Dinulescu Alexandru. Action cards by Gunship Revolution I hope you will enjoy this behind-the-character post :) Designer NotesHumans/mankind (called Terrans and/or Marauders in the Burning Suns lore) is a widespread species in this galaxy, albeit not the dominant one like you will see in Star Wars. Humans have managed to get a seat at The Assembly table, and while they do have influence, they are still looked down upon by a number of other species. For Rogue Angels this creates an interesting dynamic and world-building, where I can have players explore many different perspectives, by providing both alien and humans in the mix. I knew from the beginning I wanted to have some capable ex-soldiers in the game, the classic origin of a mercenary, jaded by the consequences of war. Vera became my first take on this trope, albeit I have shied away from creating an undefeatable John Wick kind of character, as that would defeat the purpose of a game :D Vera was developed to be a super fast multitool character. During early development I knew I wanted to present players with a character so all-rounded that it almost felt like a safe bet. We all approach character selection differently and we all have our own play-styles. Vera is the middle-ground in most aspects, except for her insane speed. However, this type of flexibility only left room for a single weapon in her arsenal. Together with Memnon, she has become a household name among many play-testers :) Details & OriginFull name: Vera N'Kalou Species: Terran/Human (learn more about the species on wiki) Gender: Female Date of birth: 971 ATA (see timeline on wiki) Place of birth: Chios (find system on wiki) Affiliation: Marauders (learn more about the faction on wiki) Former work: Army platoon leader Vera N'Kalou was born in one of the most remote corners of Marauder space, a small mining colony, where she quickly learned her way around equipment, big machinery, and cargo vessels. When Vera turned 23, she joined the Marauder Army's 4th Division where she worked her way up to platoon leader. Vera left the Marauder Army after losing two of her best friends during a three-month pirate hunt along the borders of Ercinean space. Army life never became the same again and she decided that if she was to do some good in the galaxy, she might as well try to eliminate the galaxy of a few pirates along the way. Vera is now making a living as a versatile mercenary with a strong moral code. As most humans traversing the galaxy, Vera has learned to be flexible and resourceful in the face of danger. Vera has a strong resolve when odds are stacked against her, and she is not the one to give up on a team member or a mission. Vera is in general very accommodating and easy going. However, she does hold a grudge against all types of pirates. DossierVera N'Kalou is an inspiring soldier who can work in teams as well as alone. Her well rounded stats makes her suitable for unknown situations where a quick escape might be needed. Vera is only equipped with one weapon, but what Vera does not have in firepower she makes up for in agility, customization, and adaptability. Vera carries a lot of equipment like a jetpack and a medic kit making her capable of taking on a wide variety of missions. Vera is capable of treating wounds and hack security systems. Vera can join most teams where they need a flexible and headstrong individual. Play StyleWith Vera's agility you will never feel left out of the action. With her jetpack you can always catch up to anyone and anything, and this makes Vera an ideal character for those players who enjoy shifting their focus during missions. Vera is by far the most agile character in Rogue Angels, and can handle anything from chases to combat and wounds to hacking. She even thrives on being separated from others, as that is when she gains her unique ability. Playing as Vera means that you should always seek optimal positioning and the most distant objectives. Vera's weakness is her lack of weapons, and the only one available to her is a 3-slot pistol with a fairly short range. You might be able to finish off an enemy every now and then, but as Vera you should try to avoid being involved in too much combat, at least until you have gained some more firearms, preferably long range. Thanks again for joining me for another reveal, I hope you enjoyed the read :)
Now I would like to hear what you think about Vera and her abilities/gear? Will you be choosing her, does she match your play-style? What else about Rogue Angels would you like to know? In case you do not want to wait - you can test Vera and the 15 other characters here. May you have a great day and thanks again for following me :) Best regards Emil
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