Rogue Angels on GamefoundRogue Angels is a character-driven solo or co-op sci-fi adventure for 1-4 players. The game blends engaging narrative with impactful choices leading to multiple paths through various and adaptable missions and personal journeys.
Burning SunsExperience a fight for survival between the 1,000 empires of the Burning Suns, in a vibrant and colorful universe filled with heroic leaders, huge starships and alien artifacts.
Rogue Angels on Gamefound
ConflagrationDive into a space opera filled with exotic worlds, alien technology, snarky cyborgs and FTL travel. Explore a galaxy of events unfolded by two unlikely heroines.
Barbarian UprisingPrepare for an uprising that will send chills down the spine of even the most hardened legionnaire, as they will face off the tribes of Iceni, Cimbri, Arverni and Helvetii.