CarthageCarthage owns some of the strongest units in the game. Many units rely upon support, but when deployed correctly they can be devastating.
Carthaginian units utilize the following abilities: Ongoing, When Played and Activate. The Carthaginian faction requires card combos with high risks and high rewards. Usually they go for fewer but heavier columns. |
Army Deck #1 |
Army Deck #2 |
Army Deck #3 |
Army Deck #4 |
Hamilcar Barca (G) 3 x Libyan Javelinmen 2 x Car. War Elephants Mercenary War Elephants (A) Mercenary Militia (A) Numidian Cavalry (A) Hidden Army (T) Narrow Ambush (T) Encirclement (T) General's Gambit (T) Fake Retreat (T) |
Mago Barca (G) 2 x Balearic Slingers 3 x Phoenician Heavy Horses 2 x Sacred Band 2 x Car. Noble Cavalry Make a Way (T) Reserve (T) |
Hasdrubal II (G) 2 x Libyan Javelinmen 2 x Libyan Hoplites 2 x Libyan Peltasts 2 x Carhaginian Hoplites 1 x African War Elephants 1 x Car. Noble Cavalry Misleading Maneuver (T) Regroup (T) Adaptive Strategy (T) |
Cards: 14 (total points: 22) AS: 16 CP: 10 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 12 (total points: 26) AS: 16 CP: 8 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 14 (total points: 27) AS: 14 CP: 9 Total points: 50 |
Win condition Play few units and utilize the rest to deal direct damage to the enemy army. |
Win condition Counter the enemy's missile and cavalry play, while making cheap card draws. |
Win condition Play reactively and get quality heavy units on the battlefield for a discount. |
Win condition TBD |
CeltiberiaCeltiberia can deploy a wide variety of infantry and relies on numbers. Their units are cheap to play but often come with a deficit.
Celtiberian units utilize the following abilities: Ongoing, When Played and Retreat. The Celtiberian faction usually wants to play several units to minimize their drawbacks while trying to disrupt and move the enemy's formations. |
Army Deck #1 |
Army Deck #2 |
Army Deck #3 |
Army Deck #4 |
Gausón (G) 2 x Iberian Tribesmen 3 x Scutarii Spearmen 2 x Cantabrian Cavalry 1 x Lusitani Nobles Edetani Veterans (A) Auxiliary Infiltration (T) Infantry Charge (T) Spear Ambush (T) |
Corocotta (G) 3 x Painted Warriors 1 x Iberian Slingers 2 x Celtiberian Cavalry Cessetani Swordsmen (A) Turdetani Skirmishers (A) Gathering Reinforce. (T) Strong Point (T) Forest Ambush (T) Hide (T) |
Punicus (G) 2 x Iberian Slingers 1 x Cantabrian Cavalry 2 x Scutarii Spearmen 2 x Iberian Scutarii Celtic Horsemen (A) Turdetani Skirmishers (A) Gathering Reinforce. (T) Counter Attack (T) Supply Wagons (T) Auxiliary Infiltration (T) Hide (T) |
Cards: 13 (total points: 26) AS: 15 CP: 9 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 13 (total points: 25) AS: 15 CP: 10 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 15 (total points: 26) AS: 16 CP: 8 Total points: 50 |
Win condition Deploy spear infantry that deals damage and removes CP from the enemy army. |
Win condition Disrupt the enemy's formations to keep dealing damage to their army. |
Win condition Low cost and flexible CP gain while deploying units with high skirmish values. |
Win condition TBD |
GaetuliGaetuli can field many high damage cavalry units. Most units can deal damage but have to commit for a longer time on the battlefield.
Gaetulian units utilize the following abilities: Ongoing, When Played, Activate and Retreat. The Gaetulian faction holds many abilities which makes it more difficult to play. Gaetuli has several ways to deal direct damage. |
Army Deck #1 |
Army Deck #2 |
Army Deck #3 |
Army Deck #4 |
Massinissa (G) 2 x Masaesylian Cavalry 2 x African War Chariots 1 x Numidian Skirmishers 1 x Numidian Noble Cavalry Garamantian Mercenaries (A) Mercenary War Chariots (A) Numidian Manoeuvre (T) Counter Maneuver (T) Screen Movement (T) Support Units (T) |
Syphax (G) 2 x Numidian Noble Infantry 2 x African Pikemen 3 x Large Shield Spearmen 2 x African Levy Spearmen 1 x African Archers Masaesylian Archers (A) Copying Tactics (T) Support Units (T) |
Micipsa (G) 2 x Tribal Slingers 2 x Masaesylian Cavalry 1 x African Archers 2 x Numidian Skirmishers Garamantian Mercenaries (A) Mercenary War Chariots (A) Close Quarter Ambush (T) Missile Barrage (T) Stealing Supplies (T) |
Cards: 13 (total points: 28) AS: 13 CP: 9 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 14 (total points: 29) AS: 12 CP: 10 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 13 (total points: 28) AS: 14 CP: 8 Total points: 50 |
Win condition Play cheap cavalry while dealing direct damage to the enemy army. |
Win condition Play free infantry units with good defense and activate direct damage. |
Win condition Disrupt the enemy's play while playing effective draw and missile units. |
Win condition TBD |
RomeRome fields a strong array of versatile units and tactics. Most of their units can hold their own and have high defense values when supporting other units.
Roman units utilize the following abilities: Ongoing and When Played The Roman faction is basic and easy to play. Rome has many reactionary cards that can deal with enemy threats, while keeping a high CP count. |
Army Deck #1 |
Army Deck #2 |
Army Deck #3 |
Army Deck #4 |
Claudius Germanicus C. (G) 2 x Eagle Cohort 2 x Praetorian Cohort 2 x Triarii 1 x Velites Infantry Push (T) Testudo (T) Eagle Standard (T) Marius' Mules (T) Repel Cavalry (T) |
Lucius Aemilius Paullus (G) 4 x Hastati 4 x Triarii 1 x Socii Extraordinarii Corsica Pirates (A) Fire Pigs (T) Ballista (T) Eagle Standard (T) Marius' Mules (T) |
Gaius Julius Caesar (G) 1 x Velites 1 x Principes 1 x Socii Extraordinarii 1 x Legionary Cohort 1 x Legionary Cavarly 1 x Evocati Cohort Etruscan Hoplites (A) Scorpions (T) Testudo (T) Triplex Acies (T) Vedge Formation (T) Eagle Standard (T) |
Cards: 13 (total points: 27) AS: 14 CP: 9 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 15 (total points: 26) AS: 15 CP: 9 Total points: 50 |
Cards: 13 (total points: 27) AS: 13 CP: 10 Total points: 50 |
Win condition Play units with discounts while removing CP from the enemy army. |
Win condition Play cheap medium units and infantry, deal direct damage to enemy army. |
Win condition Play reactively and outlast the enemy army with tech cards and AS gain. |
Win condition TBD |